Eagle High School Strength & Conditioning

Optional Personal Weight Training Classes

Personal weight training classes start the beginning of September and run year around.  Classes are offered by Shawn Grandmont, Strength & Conditioning Trainer, and are held on the Eagle High school campus.  Classes are split into groups by grade level.
2025 Fall/Winter classes are held  Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. 
  • Group 1:  9th - 12th grade -  4:30pm to 5:30pm
  • Group 2: 7th & 8th grade -  5:30pm to 6:30pm
2025 In-Season and Summer class schedules will be posted shortly so please check back.. 
Cost is $60 month.  To sign your student up for a class, please stop by the Eagle High campus on one of the days/times Shawn is conducting his class.  It's that easy!